Version 4.4.9

Released: October 15, 2023

Status: Stable

This version includes fixes backported from series 4.5.


Improved how caches and proxies are calculated to allow more configurations of PYPI and APT caches. Added support for upstream Docker image mirroring. These changes greatly speed up Docker image building directly and via GitOps.

Updated the Docker builder image from version 20.10.21-dind to 23.0.6-dind. Updated the base Debian image from version debian:11.7-slim to debian:11.8-slim.

Updated the Docker image to skip changing the ownership of files if MAYAN_COMMON_DISABLE_LOCAL_STORAGE is set to any truthy value (True, true, T, t, Yes, yes, Y, y, 1).


Updated Django from version 3.2.20 to 3.2.22. Updated PIP from version 22.2 to 23.2.1. Updated PyYAML from version 6.0 to 6.0.1.

Task manager

Backported periodic task import checking to ensure only valid periodic tasks are created.


Fixed editing of existing metadata workflow actions.


  • Fix the add_file method for the TarArchive class.

  • Update the GitLab CI deployment stage to not install the Docker runtime.


Management commands

  • Remove deprecated management commands:

    • checkdependencies replaced by dependencies_check.

    • checkversion replaced by dependencies_check_version.

    • createautoadmin replaced by autoadmin_create.

    • generaterequirements replaced by dependencies_generate_requirements.

    • initialsetup replaced by common_initial_setup.

    • installdependencies replaced by dependencies_install.

    • mountindex replaced by mirroring_mount_index.

    • performupgrade replaced by common_perform_upgrade.

    • platformtemplate replaced by platform_template.

    • preparestatic replaced by appearance_prepare_static.

    • purgelocks replaced by lock_manager_purge_locks.

    • purgepermissions replaced by permissions_purge.

    • purgeperiodictasks replaced by task_manager_purge_periodic_tasks.

    • purgestatistics replaced by statistics_purge.

    • revertsettings replaced by settings_revert.

    • savesettings replaced by settings_save.

    • showsettings replaced by settings_show.

    • showversion replaced by dependencies_show_version.

Backward incompatible changes


The cabinet create permission is now required to create parent as well as child cabinets. This change replaces requiring the edit permission to create child cabinets via the HTTP views.


A new permission was added to change the type of a document. When support for changing the type of a document was added, it was considered a property and controlled via the document property edit permission.

Since changing the type of a documents now causes a cascade of other changes, it was isolated as an individual class of event along with its own permission.

The new document change type permission is required for the document being changed and for the document type to which the document will be changed into.


Download files are now associated to a specific users and not to a parent object. Delete, download, and view permissions were added to allow users to share a download file.


The OCR backend code is now executed under a new method called _execute to avoid subclasses not calling the super class.

The base backend class now prepares the image to be processed for OCR and passes the file object to the subclass.


The default secret key value is now only used if the secret key file is not found not just if the secret key file is present but unreadable.


The home_view setting was removed from the default Template context. Template instances need to include their own context using the new context argument.


  • The Cabinet API serializer field named parent, will be removed in version 5.0. Use the parent_id instead which is functionally identical.

  • The IndexTemplateNodeSerializer serializer fields parent and index will be removed in version 5.0. Use fields parent_id and index_id which are functionally identical.

  • The WorkflowInstanceSerializer field named workflow_template_url will be removed in version 5.0. Use the url attribute of the workflow_template instead.

Issues closed

  • None