
  • Complete event tracking system.

    • Every action performed in the system is recorded, perfect for auditing.

    • Users and other apps can subscribe to events to perform actions or provide notifications.

  • Advanced access control system.

    • Role based access control. It is possible to create an unlimited amount of different roles not being restricted to the traditional admin, operator, guest paradigm.

    • There is a permission for every atomic operation performed by users.

  • Configurable authentication system.

    • Take advantage of the default username or email authentication backends provided for a quick deployment or install your own.

    • Can extended to support single sign on, LDAP, or other protocols.

  • Free open source software.

  • Precision engineering.

    • Multi disciplinary team with decades of enterprise system engineering and enterprise software development experience.

    • Complex design changes are documented via a formal processes called MECRs.

  • Can be deploy in many different environments, vendors, hardware.

    • Do a direct Python installation for maximum control and performance.

    • Use the official Docker image for easier installation and scalability.

    • Deploy to a virtual machine, direct hardware, public cloud, private cloud, or a single board computer.

    • Has been successfully deployed to IBM cloud, Google Cloud, Digital Ocean, and Azure. Either using Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Machine, and Kubernetes.

  • Scalable as a design principle.

    • Grow your document repository without future capacity concern.

    • Extensive regression testing ensures each version is faster than the previous one.

    • Default installation scales to hundred of thousand of documents.

    • Tuned installations scale to millions of documents.

  • Previews for many file formats.

    • Mayan EDMS provides image preview generation for many popular file formats.

  • Office document format support.

    • Mayan EDMS can detect the presence of LibreOffice and use it to generate previews for word processing files, spreadsheets, and presentations.

  • Non destructive image transformations.

    • Multi layer image support. Each layer can support different permission layout to restrict image manipulation to different roles.

    • Rotate, crop, flip images to correct bad scans.

    • Every transformation can be undone and never modifies the uploaded file.

    • User overlays to add privacy makers to internal documents not meant for printing.

    • Add redaction to hide sensitive information before publication.

  • Full text searching.

    • Documents can be searched by their text content, their metadata or any other file attribute such as name, extension, etc. Multiple search engines are supported.

  • Multilingual user interface.

    • Mayan EDMS being written using the Django framework, can be translated to practically any language spoken in the world. For a list of translated languages have a look at the Transifex project location.

  • Pluggable storage backends.

    • Built in support for file system storage.

    • It is very easy to use 3rd party plugins such as the ones available for Amazon EC2.

    • Use cloud object storage like S3 or on premise using Minio.

  • Document versioning.

    • Store many versions of the same document, download or revert to a previous version.

  • Non destructive page remapping and disabling.

    • Change the order of the pages of the files uploaded to a document or disable them to remove them from view. Pages from multiple document files can also be joined or appended to create multiple document versions from the same set of files.

  • Multi page document support.

    • Multiple page PDF, office files, and TIFF files are supported.

  • Collaboration tools.

    • Discuss documents, or comment on new versions of a document.

  • Digital signatures.

    • Check the authenticity of documents by verifying their embedded cryptographic signatures or upload detached signatures for document signed after they were stored.

  • Advanced workflow engine.

    • Keep track of the state of documents, along with the log of the previous state changes.

    • Use the workflow engine to automate business processes by executing system actions.

    • Trigger external processes using the workflow. Execute actions in other systems when a document hits a specific state for complete business automation.

    • Comply with regulations using automatic state expiration and workflow escalation.

  • Automatic duplicate document scanning.

    • Extensible system to allow for specific duplication search criteria. By default, backends are supplied to scan for documents with exact files and exact labels.

  • Automatic extraction of file metadata.

    • In addition to the metadata defined by your organization, make use of the built in metadata available in many file formats.

    • Extra author information, camera settings used to take a photo, or even GPS coordinates.

    • Extracted file metadata can be used in other apps of the system to do things like automatic categorization by GPS coordinates.

  • Configurable document grouping.

    • Automatic linking of documents based on metadata values or document properties.

  • User-defined document metadata.

    • Several metadata fields can be matched to a document type as per technical, legal or structural requirements such as the Dublin core or ISO 23081 just to name a few.

    • Metadata fields can have an initial value, which can be static or determined by a template code snippet provided by the user.

  • Automatic OCR processing.

    • The task of transcribing text from documents via OCR can be distributed among several physical or virtual computers to decrease load and increase availability.

    • The current language of the document is passed to the corresponding OCR engine to increase the text recognition rate.

    • Includes the Tesseract engine by default but the backend system allows interfacing with other OCR engines.

  • Signature captures.

    • Signature captures are digital recording of handwritten signatures.

    • Commonly used for business transactions and remote contract signing.

  • Documents can be uploaded from different sources.

    • Local file or server side file uploads, multi-functional copiers, or even via email.

  • Batch uploads.

    • Many documents can be upload in a single action.

    • Clone a document’s metadata for speedier uploads and eliminate repetitive data entry.

  • Color coded tags.

    • Labeled and color coded tags can be assigned for intuitive recognition.

    • Tag may be used on their own, as automatic markers applied with the system, or as triggers for document actions.