Version 4.0
Released: May 19, 2021
This release is of special importance for the project as it also marks the 10 year anniversary of the first release.

Looking back, is incredible to see how something I started back as a side project to help out the government agency I used to work at, has grown in to something used by people around the world.
It has become a community. It has become a serious product in markets historically dominated by very big companies. It has become a full time job. It has become a gateway to working with a great team of professionals. I has become the channel by which I’ve gotten to meet and interact with incredible people I would have never met otherwise.
There is a saying that goes: “Find something you love to do, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”. I have found that something in my life, and I have all of you to thank.
– Roberto Rosario
The big ticket item for this version is the new page composition feature. Historically, Mayan EDMS has equated an uploaded file to a document version as a one to one relationship, with the same relationship applying to the document pages. This is due to the origins and main purpose of the project, which was to be a static scanned document repository.
As the user base and industries in which Mayan EDMS is being used expands, this basic philosophy had to be expanded too, but in such a way that it did not affected previous uses.
The result is what we call the Document Page Composition API. This new feature allows for document pages to be disabled, enabled, appended, removed, or even reordered. All of this is achieved in a non destructive way (the original uploaded file is never changed in any way), all of the changes happen only at the application level.
We accomplished this by making two fundamental changes. The first is the creating a new object type, the document file object. The second was to allow for the creation of any number of document versions for a document. Now when a new file is upload for a document, by default a new document file object is created and a corresponding document version is created that points to the new document file. This makes the document versions behave like “views” to the document files contained in a document.
When a new file is uploaded, the user has the choice to create a new version that matches the page layout of the new file, or to create a new version that includes the pages of the previous file as well as the pages of the new file. The file is uploaded and processed, users can also go to the document version and change its page mapping and ordering.
As with every upgrade, make a backup of your database and document storage. More so as this release is a major one and the first of a series of big paradigm changes for the project. Make sure to validate your data after the upgrade and report any issues.
The default versions of PostgreSQL and MySQL were also updated. These database managers might require dedicated steps to convert your existing database from the current version to the new one. This should be done before upgrading the Mayan EDMS version.
A tool to audit the ACLs in the system was added. This tools is called “Global ACLs” and is found under the “Tools” menu. It will display and allow modification to all the ACLs defined in the system regardless of their origin object or view.
The API is now versioned with a top level entry. Since Mayan uses semantic versioning and API changes only occur on major versions, the API version will match the major version of the release. For this release and for every release of the series 4.x the API version will be “v4”.
Support was added for API result sorting. Like the user interface, only indexed database fields support. The OPTION verb can be used to determine which fields are sortable.
API endpoints were added for the Assets model. Cached image generation was also added for faster assets usage.
An asset detail view with image preview was added.
Previously, when displaying images, only one error condition was represented regardless of the underlying cause. This was done using the paper icon with the red cross. The converter was updated to allow app to specify their own error conditions and the corresponding visual indicator. This is now used when generating document images and allows displaying different icons and popup messages when there are no active document versions or the active document version has no pages defined.
Due to the addition of the Document Page Composition API, certain operations might now only be performed on document files while other might only be performed on document versions. These are as follows:
Function |
Object |
Download |
Document files |
Export to PDF (new) |
Document versions |
Document versions |
File metadata |
Document files |
Parsing |
Document files |
Transformations, decorations, and redactions |
Both |
Page detection |
Document files |
Transformations applied to a document file page will be reflected on any document version page. However transformations applied a document version page will not be reflected on the source document version file.
This new feature also changes how we things about document versions and file uploads ordering. These are not longer lineal. Any document version or document file may be deleted at any time.
The caches of the file pages and version pages images are now two separate storages. This allows keeping the document files in one location such as object storage and the document version pages in a faster or local storage for a combination of low cost long term storage for files and volatile fast storage for image previews.
The three storages are:
- Stores the uploaded document files.
- Stores the preview images of the uploaded document files.
- Stores the preview images of the document version pages.
Setting migration have been included to transition existing values but make sure to double check you settings before and after the upgrade.
Previously, when downloading a document, the actual filename of the download was the document label. Now, when a document file is uploaded the actual filename of the file is retained and used as the download filename including its original extensions if any. This solves downloading and display issues with operating systems that rely on file extensions to identify the type of a file.
With the separation of files and versions, other features are now possible. Support was added to grant access to individual versions of a document via ACLs.
Favorite documents now track the date and time of selection to ensure deterministic ordering when deleting the oldest favorites. This also allows displaying the favorite documents from most recently favorited to least recently favorited. The favorite documents feature also received its own API.
Some aspects of the recently added and accessed documents were renamed to
make it more clear. As a result the setting DOCUMENTS_RECENT_ACCESS_COUNT
, and
Configuration file migrations and migration tests were added. Environment
and supervisor settings need to be manually updated.
A new document workflow action was added to change the type of a document.
Add a third document filename generator was added that uses an UUID plus the original filename of the uploaded file. This generator has the advantage of producing unique filename while also preserving the original filename for reference.
The duplicated documents code was moved to its own new app. Along with this, support was added for duplication backends. These backends allow adding more methods of determining what is to be considered a duplicated document. This allows for duplication logic that might be domain specific.
An dedicated API endpoint was added for the duplicates app.
The MySQL Docker image was updated from version 5.7 to 8.0, the PostreSQL image from version 10.14 to 10.15, and the Redis image from version 5.0 to 6.0.
The default version of PostgreSQL will be incremented in each subsequent minor release to catch up to the target version of 12.0.
A database backup and restore is needed when moving from one version of PostgreSQL to another (
Make a backup of your database container before performing the Mayan EDMS upgrade. Then upgrade the database container image, and finally restore the database into the new container. Only then perform the Mayan EDMS upgrade.
The Docker image tagging layout has been updated to differentiate between released versions and series. Series have the ‘s’ prefix and versions have the ‘v’ prefix. The version 4.0 image will have the tags v4.0 and s4. The version 4.1 image will have the tags v4.1 and s4. This change will allow users to have their deployments pinned to a specific version or to a specific series instead of relying on the “latest” tag.
The Docker Compose file was updated to use profiles for the extra containers ( Profiles allow running extra containers with none or minimal modification of the Docker Compose file.
The Docker Compose file was also updated to use extension fields to remove duplicated markup (
An entra container was added to mount and index and expose it to the host operating system.
A container and markup for Traefik was added. This makes for easier deployment of SSL using a single Docker Compose file.
A sample .env file was added to pass environment variables to the Docker Compose file YAML parser (
Support for an env_file was also added to allow passing environment variables to the running containers (
These changes require Docker Compose version 1.28 or later.
A new tool was added to hold generated files for download. This tool allows performing document version exports in the background. Users will received a message when their download is ready.
To improve auditing, support was added to export and download the global events list, the object events list, and user events list. The event list is exported as a CSV file.
File caching
In addition to the existing tool to purge caches, it is now possible to purge specific document files or document version caches. This can be achieved with the new action link and requires the cache purge permission for the object.
Event tracking was added when purging a cache partition.
Many stability, scaling, and performance updates were added to the file caching system.
Cache collisions were solved for many scenarios. This allows controlled access to the cached content even under heavy load situation where many processes might be trying to read or modify cached content.
Failed cache pruning attempts are now automatically retried if the cause was lock contention.
Added detection of excessive cache pruning when cache size is too small for the workload.
The cache eviction logic was improve to use a LFU (Least frequently used) and LRU (Least recently used) combination algorithm. This ensures that only the least usable content is evicted from the cache during pruning.
The caches are now only pruned during startup if their maximum size has changed. This reduces the startup or restart time in installations that are under heavy use.
File metadata
The format of the file_metadata_value_of
helper was changed. The driver
and metadata entry are now separated by a double underscore instead of a
single underscore. This allows supporting drivers and entries that might
contain an underscore themselves.
Templates using this file metadata helper need to be manually updated.
The key creation and expiration fields were converted to date and time fields. Events for key creation and key download were for added. Support for key event subscription was added.
Support for the “Reply To” field was added when sending documents via email and for the mailing workflow actions.
A new app was added to allow sending messages to users. At the moment this app is only used by the downloads app to let users know their download is ready. This is a first stage app and we plan to expand the use of this app in subsequent versions.
A new small app was added to handle details that are specific to an
organizations installation of Mayan EDMS. The app is called organizations
and holds two settings. The setting ORGANIZATIONS_INSTALLATION_URL
allows setting the URL of the installation. This URL is used when composing
the document link URL when sending document links via email. It is also used
to create the download link for exported document versions.
If this setting is not specified, Mayan EDMS will try to obtain the URL scheme, host, and port from the HTTP request itself. When running Mayan EDMS behind proxy servers or load balancers this might not return accurate results and will require an explicit value for the setting.
replaces the previous setting
used when hosting Mayan EDMS in a path other
than the root path (‘/’) of the web server.
The document app and OCR app migrations dependency was inverted. This makes the OCR migration dependent on the documents app migration instead of the other way around. This allows for completely disabling the OCR app if desired.
Backend support was added for scoped and nested searches. Scoped searches allow using the search app for very complex search patterns. The scopes behave like a binary tree where each operator collapses the term pair into a new runtime scope.
The mathematical representation of search scopes would be as follows:
result of scope X = ((Scope 0) Operator (Scope 1)) Operator ((Scope 2) Operator (Scope 3))
Each scope pair is resolved in reverse as a new runtime scope until the resulting scope requested by the user becomes available.
result of scope 30 = ((Scope 0) Operator (Scope 1) = Scope 10) Operator ((Scope 2) Operator (Scope 3) = Scope 20) = Scope 30
result of scope 30 = (Scope 10) Operator (Scope 20) = Scope 30
result of scope 30 = Scope 30
An actual application of the scopes searches is to search for documents with a multiple metadata type and metadata value combinations.
The actual query string would be as follows:
This means: search for documents with a metadata value of 100 for the metadata type of “building” and that also have a value of 2 for the metadata type of “zone”.
Which can also be represented as:
(metadata_type__name=building AND metadata__value=100) AND (metadata_type__name=zone AND metadata__value=2)
When not specified, the search terms are assigned a scope of 0, which preserves the existing search behavior.
This feature was a late addition and the user interface part continues in development. However the backend section is feature complete and accessible via the normal search views and the search API.
This feature is search backend independent.
Support was added to refresh the database representation of a signatures. This is useful for upgrades when a new signature field is added. Refreshing the signature will allow existing signatures to display proper values for these new fields.
The key attributes corresponding to a signature are now displayed as part of the signature serializer in the API.
The API action to upload a detached signature is now its own API endpoint.
Support for document signature events and signature events subscriptions was added.
It is now possible to use staging folders as sources for new document file uploads.
The sources app now has its own menu. This allows switching from different sources easier when uploading new documents or new document files. Conditional source link highlighting was added to better identify which source is currently active.
User impersonation
Support was added to subscribing to user impersonation events.
It is now possible to enable impersonation permission for individual users.
Impersonating users can now be also performed from the user list view, user the “Setup” menu.
User interface
A new sub menu was added. We call this menu “Related” as is meant to allow for quicker navigation by displaying object that are related to the one being displayed. For example, when viewing a list of document types, the related menu will show a links to the metadata types setup view.
Another menu that was added to improve navigation was the “Return” menu. Return links was are added to this menu for object contained by other objects such as the case of document files and document version. When navigating a document file or document version a link will be displayed that will quickly return the user to the parent document. These links are decorated with a left oriented chevron for easier identification.
Support was added for collapsing the options of the menus “list facet” and
“object” when in list view mode. This behavior is controlled with the new
. Both default to False
to preserve
the existing behavior.
The URL query key used for sorting results was updated to match the key used for sorting in the API. The new sort key is “_ordering”.
The workflows app and API were refactored. The permissions needed to transition a workflow instance were updated. The workflow instance transition permission is now needed for the document and for either the transition or the workflow template. This dual requirement matches the same logic used in other apps such as the metadata and tags apps.
The way workflows are transitioned via the API was improved. The same model methods are now called and transitioning a workflow via the API behaves in the exact manner as transitioning an API via the user interface.
An API endpoint named workflow-instance-log-entry-detail
was added to
allow inspection of the individual workflow log events.
The workflow API now allows passing extra data when transitioning a workflow, and the context of the workflow instance is also available.
The state and transition options when using the API are also limited to valid ones as it is done when using the user interface.
The workflow instance creation is now a background task. This speeds up launching new workflows and the initial processing of new documents.
Several renames for consistency. Use of the major, minor, verb order for variable names in more places.
Point document to latest document version. This removes the document page views and makes them aliases of the document version pages views.
New event ignore and keep attribute options
Convert document model save method to use event decorator.
Add a generic multi item delete view.
Longer document file action texts.
Document stub recalculation by file save and delete.
Reorganize and split document model tests.
Add file upload mixin method.
Unify the action dropdown instances into a new partial called
argument to SharedUploadedFile.Split document app model tests into separate modules.
Split document app test mixins into separate modules.
Fix the appearance of the automatically generated view titles.
Add document version edit view. Allows editing the document version comment.
Rename all instances of
as only icon instances are used now in every app.Switch both view to mark notification as read to use the POST request via a confirmation view.
Return the event type subscription list sorted by namespace label and event type label.
Make the search fields more uniform and add missing ones.
Add full label for search parent fields.
Add events for the document type quick label model.
Add dedicated API endpoints for the document type quick label model.
Update the file cache partition purge view to be a generic view that can be called using the content type of an object. Adds a new file cache partition purge permission.
as part of the base test case mixin.Rename usage of “recent document” to the more explicit “recently accessed document”. This was done at the mode, view and API level. The recently accessed document API will now require the document view permission.
Rename the document model
field todatetime_created
to better reflect the purpose of the field.Add a
proxy and associate the recent document columns to it.Move the recently created document query calculation to its own model manager.
Split the
.Document stubs without a label will now display their ID as the label. This allows documents without files or versions to be accessible via the user interface.
Add the reusable ObjectActionAPIView API view. This is a view that can execute an action on an object from a queryset from a POST request.
Improve proxy model menu link resolution. Proxy model don’t need at least one bound link anymore to trigger resolution of all the parent model links. The inclusion logic is now reverse and defaults to exclusion. Menu need to be configured explicitly enable to proxy model link resolution using the new
method.Add support for search model proxy registration.
Remove the
arguments from the SourceColumn class. Use models proxies instead to customize the columns of a model based on the view displayed.Renamed WizardStep to DocumentCreateWizardStep. This change better reflects its purpose and interface.
Moved DocumentCreateWizardStep to the sources.classes module.
Add automatic loading support for the
modules. It is no longer necessary to import these modules inside the App’s .ready() method.Update API endpoints to use explicit primary key URL keyword arguments.
Split workflow models module into separate modules.
Remove usage of The event_actor attribute is used instead.
to the views app.appearance_app_templates
now passes the request to the templates being rendered.Remove the user impersonation fragment form the
template and moved it to its own viewport template.Update jQuery from version 3.4.1 to 3.5.1.
Move user language and timezone code from the common app to a new app called locales.
Move common and smart settings app base template markup to their own app via the viewport app template.
Rename document comment model’s comment field to text.
Support sorting document comments by user or by date.
Increase the size of the
lock manager modelname
field to a 255 char field. Closes GitLab issue #939. Thanks to Will Wright (@fireatwill) for the report and investigation.Add example usage for the
. Closes GitLab issue #929. Thanks to Francesco Musella (@francesco.musella-biztems) for the report.Reorganize mixins. Add a suffix to specify the purpose of the mixin and move them to different module when appropriate.
Refactored the notification generation for efficiency, scalability and simplicity. Only users subscribed to events are queued for notifications. Content types of event targets and action objects are reused from the action model instead of gathering from inspection. Nested loop removed and reduced to a single loop.
Optimize SourceColumn resolution. Support column exclusion for all object types. Ensure columns are not repeated when resolved even if they were defined multiple times. Improve docstring for the resolution logic in each level. Remove unused
parameter. Add SourceColumn tests.Support defining the default
. This allows removing the hard coded search model name from the search template and allows third party apps to define their own defaultSearchModel
.Move time delays from test and into its own test mixin. Remove MySQL test delays.
Standardize a class for the widgets of the class
.The cabinet view permission is now required for a document, to be able to view which cabinets contain that document. This change mirrors the permission layout of the metadata and tag apps.
File caching now uses the same lock for all file methods. This ensures that a cache file that is being deleted or purge is not open for reading and vice versa.
A method decorator was added to the lock manager app to ease usage of the same lock workflow in methods of the same class.
The error handling of the
methods was improved. This ensures proper clean up of stray storage files on model file creation error. The model now avoids accessing the model file for clean up on model file creation error, which would raise a hard to understand and diagnose missing file entry error. The model now avoids updating cache size on either model or storage file creation error.Support disabling form help texts via
.Added the
field to the Workflow template serializer.Added retry support for the workflow preview generation task.
Updated the autoadmin app to use the login template
template hook. This allows the autoadmin app to show login information without directly modifying the login template.Update tags app to improve user event tracking on view and API.
Support deleting multiple document files.
Track document file deletion event user in views.
.Added a check to the task manager app to ensure all defined tasks are properly configure in their respective
modules.ACL app updates: Add ACL deleted event, track action actor in API and views. Simplify API views using REST API mixins. Update API views to return 404 errors instead of 403, move global ACL list to the setup menu, model that are registered for ACLs are now also automatically register events in order to receive the ACL deleted event, improve tests and add more test cases.
Update AddRemoveView to call the underlying add or remove methods only if there are objects to act upon instead of calling the method with an empty queryset which would trigger unwanted events.
to the REST API app. This mixin simplifies working with models that act upon another object via their Content Type, such as the ACLs.Update the ACL app to support multiple foreign object permission inheritance. Support for
non defaultct_field
, andfk_field
was also added.Registering a model to receive events will cause it to have the object event view and object event subscription links bound too. This can be disabled with the bind_links argument. The default menu to bind the links is the “List facet”. This can be changed via the
app to group data and models related code.Added the
app. This app groups data and models related code.Added a patch for Django’s
class to display time delta for each migration during development.Renamed the AddRemove view
flag to MayanAppConfig to indicate if the app should have its translation files processed or ignored. Defaults toTrue
.Dependency version upgrades:
coverage from 5.1 to 5.5.
Django to 2.2.23.
django-debug-toolbar to 3.2.
django-extensions to 3.1.2.
django-rosetta to 0.9.4.
django-silk to 4.1.0.
flake8 to 3.9.0.
ipython to 7.22.0.
pycounty to 20.7.3.
requests to 2.25.1.
Sphinx to 3.5.4.
sh to 1.14.1.
sphinx-autobuild to 2021.3.14.
sphinx-sitemap to 2.2.0.
sphinxcontrib-spelling to 7.1.0.
tornado to 6.1.
tox from 3.14.6 to 3.23.1.
transifex-client to 0.14.2.
twine to 3.4.1.
wheel to 0.36.2.
Fix sub workflow launch state action.
Convert the workflow instance creation to a background task.
Add locking to the duplicated document scan code to workaround race condition in Django bug #19544 when adding duplicated documents via the many to many field
method.Remove the default queue. All tasks must now be explicitly assigned to an app defined queue.
Detect and avoid duplicated queue names.
Added a fourth class of worker.
Re-balanced queues.
Renamed workers from
, andslow
(new workers),C
(slow).Add support for passing custom nice level to the workers when using the Docker image
command. The value is passed via theMAYAN_WORKER_NICE_LEVEL
environment variable. This variable defaults to0
.Detect and avoid adding a transformation to a layer for which it was not registered.
Added LayerError exception.
Fixed redaction ACL support.
Added support for typecasting the values used to filter the ACL object inherited fields.
Renamed the
directory, which is used to allow custom setting modules, to the more intuitiveuser_settings
Document storage and caching settings.
Removed all remaining PDF page orientation detection support. Removed rotation test files.
Appending extensions when downloading document files. The filename of the downloaded file is now taken as-is from the document file.
Bulk downloads.
Upgrade process
Docker Compose
Check the Docker upgrading chapter for the complete upgrade process.
Backward incompatible changes
REST API layout
Issues closed
GitLab issue #733 Feature: Draft versions of documents
GitLab issue #777 feature request: cleanup scanned document
GitLab issue #853 Remove parent class and self reference from super() calls
GitLab issue #859 Convert DocumentTypeFilteredSelectForm to use generic FilteredSelectionForm
GitLab issue #864 Feature Request: allow REPLY-TO field in mailing profile
GitLab issue #865 Possible bug: Adding a new version of a document via scanner
GitLab issue #867 Rename document comment model “comment” field to “text”
GitLab issue #921 Feature Request: Version information
GitLab issue #929 COMMON_EXTRA_APPS env variable not doing anything
GitLab issue #939 Using db as lock manager, “name” column in table “lock_manager_lock” too small
GitLab issue #941 Include time of document signature
Forum topic #5085 Rest API: Detailed list of signatures