Version 4.1.6

Released: February 15, 2022

Status: Stable


Document signatures

The text “signed” is now append to the label of a signed document file instead of using the temporary filename used during signing.

The signed document file is now used when the file downloaded is requested and when calculating the signed document file checksum.


Undo context management changes added to the POP3 source in version 4.1.5. Python added context management support to the imaplib library but not to the poplib library.

The IMAP source store commands field is now optional.

The SSL checkbox field of all email sources is now optional.


  • Update requirements to specify Python version 3.5 to 3.9.

  • Update Django version 2.2.24 to 2.2.27.


  • None

Upgrade process

Docker Compose

Check the Docker upgrading chapter for the complete upgrade process.

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Issues closed