Version 3.4.18
Released: October 22, 2020
Django has been updated from version 2.2.15 to 2.2.16.
The make file target used to launch the Docker PostgreSQL container was updated to allow continuing launching the test PostgreSQL container without using a password, preserving the current behavior before the upstream image made the change.
The file caching app migration 0005_auto_20200322_0607 was simplified and optimized.
The passthrough storage system received several improvements. Compressed storage files are now opened with the modes corresponding to the calling storage.
New passthrough file class methods were added for more compatibility:
, .write()
, .flush()
, .seek()
Empty files when using the .save()
method are now only created if they
don’t already exists.
Support was added to the encryption storage to accept unicode content.
Seed the random number generator when the test case class is initialized.
User interface
The “no result” title entry of the setup item list view was fixed. The intended title is now properly displayed.
After moving documents to the trash, the interface will now redirect to the previous view.
The current document is now added to the view context in order to improve navigation in the views: add to favorites, remove from favorites, move to trash, delete trashed, and restore trashed.
Add note for hardcoded vine dependency.
Style fixes and missing keyword arguments.
keyword arguments.Increase GitLab CI artifact expiration to 2 hours.
Upgrading process
Stop supervisord:
sudo systemctl stop supervisor
Upgrading from Mayan EDMS 3.2.x or earlier
Update the Redis configuration:
Configure Redis to discard data when it runs out of memory, not save its database, and only keep 2 database:
echo "maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf echo "save \"\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf echo "databases 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf echo "requirepass mayanredispassword" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf sudo systemctl restart redis
Install the Python 3 development OS package:
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
Update the virtualenv to use Python 3:
sudo -u mayan virtualenv --clear /opt/mayan-edms -p /usr/bin/python3
Create a home directory for the Mayan EDMS system user:
mkdir /home/mayan
Grant ownership to the Mayan EDMS system user:
chown mayan:mayan /home/mayan
Reinstall the Python client for PostgreSQL and Redis:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install psycopg2==3.2.3 redis==5.2.1
Platforms with the ARM CPU might also need additional requirements:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install psutil==5.8.0
Reinstall the Python client for RabbitMQ if you are using RabbitMQ as a broker:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install amqp==5.3.1
Upgrading from Mayan EDMS 3.3.x
Upgrade to the latest pip version:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install -U pip
Update the Redis configuration to enable password protection:
echo "requirepass mayanredispassword" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf sudo systemctl restart redis
Remove deprecated requirements:
sudo -u mayan curl -o /tmp/removals.txt \ && sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip uninstall -y -r /tmp/removals.txt
Update the Mayan EDMS Python package:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install mayan-edms==3.4.18
the requirements will also be updated automatically.
Make a backup of your supervisord file:
sudo cp /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf.bck
Update the supervisord configuration file. Replace the environment variables values show here with your respective settings. This step will refresh the supervisord configuration file with the new queues and the latest recommended layout:
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD=mayandbpass MAYAN_DATABASE_USER=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST= MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ platformtemplate supervisord | sudo sh -c "cat > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf"
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASES=\"{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayandbpass','USER':'mayan','HOST':''}}\" \ MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ platformtemplate supervisord | sudo sh -c "cat > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf"
Edit the supervisord configuration file and update any setting specific to your installation:
sudo vi /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf
Migrate existing database schema and static media files with:
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD=mayandbpass MAYAN_DATABASE_USER=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST= MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ performupgrade
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASES="{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayandbpass','USER':'mayan','HOST':''}}" \ MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ performupgrade
Start supervisord:
sudo systemctl start supervisor
Clear the browser cache to avoid loading old web assets.
The upgrade procedure is now complete.
Backward incompatible changes
Issues closed
GitLab issue #873 After duplicate delete return to duplicate window
GitLab issue #900 common.views.SetupListView.get_extra_context rename ‘no_results_label’ to ‘no_results_title’