Version 3.1.11

Released: April XX, 2019


Memory usage

The DOCUMENTS_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE setting was added to limit the number of bytes that will be read into memory when calculating the checksum of a new document. For compatibility with the current behavior this setting defaults to 0 which means that it is disabled. Disabling the setting will cause the entire document’s file to be loaded into memory. If documents are not processing due to out of memory errors (large documents or devices with limited memory), set DOCUMENTS_HASH_BLOCK_SIZE to a value other than 0. Limited tests suggest 65535 to be a good alternative.

Tag wizard step

The tag wizard step was fixed and will now allow attaching multiple tags to a new document.


Previously the document checkout information link required one of the following permissions: document check in, document check in override, or document checkout. Meanwhile the document checkout information view would require the document checkout detail view permission. This difference in permissions has been eliminated and the link will now required the document checkout detail view permission, same as the view. Update your user role permissions accordingly.

Other changes

  • Lower the log severity when links don’t resolve.


  • None

Upgrading from a previous version

If installed via Python’s PIP

Remove deprecated requirements:

$ curl | pip uninstall -r /dev/stdin

Type in the console:

$ pip install mayan-edms==3.1.11

the requirements will also be updated automatically.

Migrate existing database schema with:

$ performupgrade

Add new static media:

$ collectstatic --noinput

The upgrade procedure is now complete.

If installed using a direct deployment

Remove deprecated requirements:

$ curl | sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip uninstall -r /dev/stdin

Download and install the new version:

$ sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install --no-cache-dir --no-use-pep517 mayan-edms==3.1.11

the requirements will also be updated automatically.

Run the upgrade command:

$ sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql \
MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ performupgrade

Add any new static files:

$ sudo -u mayan MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ collectstatic --noinput

The upgrade procedure is now complete.

Using Git

If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:

$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ git pull

otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.

Remove deprecated requirements:

$ pip uninstall -y -r removals.txt

Next upgrade/add the new requirements:

$ pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Migrate existing database schema with:

$ performupgrade

Add new static media:

$ collectstatic --noinput

The upgrade procedure is now complete.

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Bugs fixed or issues closed

  • None