Version 3.3.10
Released: January 31, 2020
A fall back read-only render was added for form fields. Makes read-only decimal fields render as expected.
A new settings was added to allow disabling the password reset link in the
login form. This can be done for security issues or if the authentication
backend doesn’t support it, such as when using LDAP for authentication.
defaults to false
The page count detection was improved for some obscure JPEG sub format files.
Two commands were added to aid in batch file integration. The first is the
command and it displays the current version. This command
accepts the option --build-string
to show the build string instead.
The second command added is called checkversion
. It will check is the
currently installed version is up to date. This command requires an internet
connection as it checks the Python package repository.
The version of Pillow, the image processing library was updated to 6.2.2.
File metadata
A data migration was added to the file metadata app to deduplicate entries before applying the schema change in migration 0002. This data migration ensures that the upgrade completes even if there were inconsistencies in the tables of the file metadata app.
A new setting was added to disable the API and API documentation links. This setting is useful when Mayan EDMS is used as a frontend solution to avoid confusion with users who are not meant to use the API.
This setting only disables the API links for aesthetic improvement but doesn’t disable the API documentation views or the API itself.
The setting is named REST_API_DISABLE_LINKS
and defaults to false
Two endpoints of the staging folder file API were fixed and multiple tests added to detect future regressions.
Support was added to differentiate how an attribute is related to an object class. This is to say that the attributes dropdown will now group entries by types. Types supported now are: model properties (actions), model fields (database fields), and model related fields (database fields in a sibling table).
The OCR content and parsed content were added as model properties for use in templates.
The TarArchiveClassTestCase was updated and made in to a reusable archive file test case class.
The test runner was a new option for testing excluded tests.
The package django_migration_test was added and migration testing was added to the file metadata app for migration 0002.
The test system was updated to support bi-directional testing of migrations.
The makefile was updated to remove repeated commands.
The GitLab CI file was updated to use the new test makefile target and add migration testing as part of the release pipeline.
The Docker run_tests command was updated to include migration testing.
A button was added to the workflows to launch a specific one for existing documents. This is useful when changes are made that require triggering the initial state of existing documents.
The workflow app navigation was improved with adding a new links to jump between commonly used views of the app.
Upgrading process
Stop supervisord:
sudo systemctl stop supervisor
Upgrading from Mayan EDMS 3.2.x
Update the Redis configuration:
Configure Redis to discard data when it runs out of memory, not save its database, and only keep 2 database:
echo "maxmemory-policy allkeys-lru" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf echo "save \"\"" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf echo "databases 2" | sudo tee -a /etc/redis/redis.conf sudo systemctl restart redis
Install the Python 3 development OS package:
sudo apt-get install python3-dev
Update the virtualenv to use Python 3:
sudo -u mayan virtualenv --clear /opt/mayan-edms -p /usr/bin/python3
Create a home directory for the Mayan EDMS system user:
mkdir /home/mayan
Grant ownership to the Mayan EDMS system user:
chown mayan:mayan /home/mayan
Reinstall the Python client for PostgreSQL and Redis:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install --no-use-pep517 psycopg2==3.2.3 redis==5.2.1
Platforms with the ARM CPU might also need additional requirements:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install --no-use-pep517 psutil==5.8.0
Reinstall the Python client for RabbitMQ if you are using RabbitMQ as a broker:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install --no-use-pep517 amqp==5.3.1
Upgrade steps from any previous version of Mayan EDMS
Remove deprecated requirements:
sudo -u mayan curl -o /tmp/removals.txt \ && sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip uninstall -y -r /tmp/removals.txt
Update the Mayan EDMS Python package:
sudo -u mayan /opt/mayan-edms/bin/pip install mayan-edms==3.3.10
the requirements will also be updated automatically.
Make a backup of your supervisord file:
sudo cp /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf.bck
Update the supervisord configuration file. Replace the environment variables values show here with your respective settings. This step will refresh the supervisord configuration file with the new queues and the latest recommended layout:
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD=mayanuserpass MAYAN_DATABASE_USER=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST= MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ platformtemplate supervisord | sudo sh -c "cat > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf"
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASES=\"{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayanuserpass','USER':'mayan','HOST':''}}\" \ MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ platformtemplate supervisord | sudo sh -c "cat > /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf"
Edit the supervisord configuration file and update any setting specific to your installation:
sudo vi /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mayan-edms.conf
Migrate existing database schema with:
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE=django.db.backends.postgresql MAYAN_DATABASE_NAME=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_PASSWORD=mayanuserpass MAYAN_DATABASE_USER=mayan \ MAYAN_DATABASE_HOST= MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ performupgrade
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_DATABASES="{'default':{'ENGINE':'django.db.backends.postgresql','NAME':'mayan','PASSWORD':'mayanuserpass','USER':'mayan','HOST':''}}" \ MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ performupgrade
Add new static media:
sudo -u mayan MAYAN_MEDIA_ROOT=/opt/mayan-edms/media/ \ /opt/mayan-edms/bin/ preparestatic --noinput
Start supervisord:
sudo systemctl start supervisor
The upgrade procedure is now complete.
Backward incompatible changes
Bugs fixed or issues closed
GitLab issue #762 CommandError: Error during pre_upgrade signal: could not create unique index “file_metadata_storeddriver_driver_path_d3d461e4_uniq”
GitLab issue #764 /api/staging_files/ does not report any files staged, but they show up in the UI.
GitLab issue #767 Upload Error: unpack_from requires a buffer of at least 2 bytesy