Docker Compose installation

  1. Install Docker:

    wget -qO- | sh

    If you don’t want to run an automated script, follow the instructions outlined in their documentation:

  2. Download the Mayan EDMS Docker Compose files:

    The files are located at:

    curl -O
    curl -O
  3. Launch the Mayan EDMS Docker Compose containers:

    docker compose up --detach


    There is no need to restart the containers after a shutdown, the containers in the Docker Compose file are set to start automatically.


  1. Update the Mayan EDMS Docker Compose file:

    Update the docker-compose.yml file directly or the .env in the same folder where the file docker-compose.yml resides. Add an entry for each of the environment variables to change.


    If the .env file does not reside in the same folder where the docker-compose.yml is or you choose another filename for it, the option --env-file <you env file path> needs to be added to every docker compose invocation.

  2. Verify the configuration changes:

    docker compose --file docker-compose.yml --project-name mayan config

    This command will output the Docker Compose file, using the values of your .env file.

Additional commands

  • Invoking from and external folder:


    If you are invoking the docker compose command outside the directory where the file docker-compose.yml resides, you need to add the --file docker-compose.yml option.

  • Multiple deployments:

    Multiple deployments can be made from the same docker-compose.yml file by using the --project-name <project_name> option.

  • To view the logs of the containers:

    docker compose logs
  • To list the containers:

    docker compose ps --all
  • To terminate the containers:


    Once terminated, the containers are removed and only the data volumes remain.

    docker compose down