Code structure

Follow PEP8

Whenever possible, but don’t obsess over things like line length:

$ flake8 --ignore=E501,E128,E122 |less

To perform automatic PEP8 checks, install flake8’s git hook using:

$ flake8 --install-hook git


Import order should be:

  • Standard Python modules

  • Installed Python modules

  • Core Django modules

  • Installed Django modules

  • Mayan EDMS modules

  • Local imports


# Standard Python library
import base64

# 3rd party installed Python libraries
import requests

# Django core modules
from django.db.models import Q
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
from django.utils.translation import gettext, gettext_lazy as _

# 3rd party installed Django libraries
from rest_framework import APIView

# Mayan apps
from metadata.classes import MetadataClass

# Local app imports (relative)
from .conf.settings import (
from .exceptions import MaxSuffixCountReached
from .filesystem import (
    fs_create_index_directory, fs_create_document_link,
    fs_delete_document_link, fs_delete_index_directory,
from .models import Index, IndexInstanceNode, DocumentRenameCount

All local app module imports are in relative form. Local app module name is to be referenced as little as possible, unless required by a specific feature, trick, restriction (e.g., Runtime modification of the module’s attributes).


# documents app model
from documents.models import Document


# documents app model
from .models import Document


Mayan EDMS apps follow a hierarchical model of dependency. Apps import from their parents or siblings, never from their children. Think plugins. A parent app must never assume anything about a possible existing child app. The documents app and the Document model are the basic entities; they must never import anything else. The common and main apps are the base apps.


Naming of variables should follow a Major to Minor convention, usually including the purpose of the variable as the first piece of the name, using underscores as spaces. camelCase is not used in Mayan EDMS.



link_document_page_transformation_list = ...
link_document_page_transformation_create = ...
link_document_page_transformation_edit = ...
link_document_page_transformation_delete = ...




class Document(models.Model):
class DocumentPage(models.Model):
class DocumentPageTransformation(models.Model):
class DocumentType(models.Model):
class DocumentTypeFilename(models.Model):


Quotation character used in Mayan EDMS for strings is the single quote. Double quote is used for multiple line comments or HTML markup.


Migrations should do only one thing (example: either create a table, move data to a new table or remove an old table) to aid retrying on failure.


Code should appear in their modules in alphabetic order or in their order of importance if it makes more sense for the specific application. This makes visual scanning easier on modules with a large number of imports, views or classes. Class methods that return a value should be pretended with a get_ to differentiate from an object’s properties. When a variable refers to a file it should be named as follows:

  • filename: The file’s name and extension only.

  • filepath: The entire path to the file including the filename.

  • path: A path to a directory.

Flash messages should end with a period as applicable for the language. Only exception is when the tail of the message contains an exceptions message as passed directly from the exception object.


Mayan EDMS makes extensive use of Django’s new logging capabilities.

By default debug logging for all apps is turned on. If you wish to customize how logging is managed turn off automatic logging by setting COMMON_AUTO_LOGGING to False and add the following lines to your settings/ file:

    'version': 1,
    'disable_existing_loggers': True,
    'formatters': {
        'verbose': {
            'format': '%(levelname)s %(asctime)s %(name)s %(process)d %(thread)d %(message)s'
        'intermediate': {
            'format': '%(name)s <%(process)d> [%(levelname)s] "%(funcName)s() %(message)s"'
        'simple': {
            'format': '%(levelname)s %(message)s'
    'handlers': {
            'formatter': 'intermediate'
    'loggers': {
        'documents': {
            'propagate': True,
        'common': {
            'propagate': True,

Likewise, to see the debug output of the tags app, just add the following inside the loggers block:

'tags': {
    'propagate': True,