Version 0.13

December 2012


Initially this version was meant as a the third maintenance release of the 0.12 series, but with the amount of changes and updates that were included it was obvious this was not just a bug fix version anymore hence the version jump to 0.13 instead of 0.12.3


Django 1.3.5

This release updates the required version of Django to 1.3.5 to take advantage of the security fixes added to that version of the framework.

Bulk document tagging and untagging

As requested by issue issue #31 this feature has been implemented and enabled in this version. Attaching or removing tags from a large number of documents is now much easier.


Based on requests made by the community for greater commercial support and services for Mayan EDMS, a new feature has been added that allows users register their copies of Mayan EDMS and better help users with commercial support packages. Registration for non commercial users is voluntary and optional, and in no way affects the functionality of Mayan EDMS. However even for non commercial users registration offers the advantage of automatically branding the user’s copy of Mayan EDMS with their name or the company name in the title area.

Per document type indexing

Index can now be restricted to update only on specific document types, this greatly increases the usefulness of indexes, and prevents unwanted index updates.


Setting up Mayan EDMS after installation has been identified by users as the main difficulty when knowledge about Mayan EDMS is relatively low. To address this situation a new feature that provides preconfigured setups has been added. These preconfigured setups are published in the Mayan EDMS website and upon synchronization are available to users, this gives users access and integrators access to new setups without having to wait for new versions of Mayan EDMS. Aside from including preconfigured setups, the new bootstrap app has the ability of dumping an user’s current setup into a serialized text file which can be tweaked by hand and sent via email to other users. The possibilities enabled by this range from company wide defaults setups to consultants providing their clients with customized setups without having to access their clients’ Mayan EDMS instances. JSON, YAML and a custom YAML format ( are supported by this new app.

Add documents to folders in bulk

As requested, the ability to add more than one document at a time to a selected folder has been added.

Translation updates

The translation for all the current languages were synchronized to the latest transifex project sources.

Model updates

Several small fixes to the behavior of some model were added, namely that the names of some models should be unique. The document type name as well as the metadata set name were two models that were updated to behave this way.

Support for UNOCONV dropped

Support for converting office documents by calling LibreOffice via UNOCONV has been disabled for a while ever since LibreOffice start including document conversion support from the command line. This version completely removes any traces of code and configuration options related to UNOCONV.


Inspired by the idea of getting Mayan EDMS running effectively on low power hardware such as the Raspberry Pi, several rounds or profiling and optimization were done.

Some caching optimization were introduced to the permission model, resulting in a speed increase of 33% in rendering time on views with heavy permission checking and a 18% query reduction on cache hits.

Upgrading from a previous version

If you installed Mayan EDMS by cloning the Git repository issue the commands:

$ git reset --hard HEAD
$ git pull

otherwise download the compressed archived and uncompress it overriding the existing installation.

Next add the new requirements:

$ pip install -r requirements/production.txt

Migrate existing database schema with:

$ ./ migrate document_indexing
$ ./ migrate metadata 0001 --fake
$ ./ migrate metadata
$ ./ migrate bootstrap
$ ./ migrate documents
$ ./ migrate registration

Add new static media:

$ ./ collectstatic --noinput

The upgrade procedure is now complete.

Backward incompatible changes

  • None

Bugs fixed or issues closed